Category Archives: Wetland Program

Wetland Wednesday, June 26th

Yup! you guessed it…more of the same.  But its all good.  We are making progress on the seedlings–we are now down to just one and a half tray (Hibiscus and Saccharum balwinii) and we did go ahead and repot the Rhynchospora indianolensis (? we need seedheads to confirm the species) that we recently put into 4×4’s and paper cups–269 miscellaneous Cyperaceae (we hope are the R. indianolensis) and 29 new Hibiscus pots.  We were also likewise flushed with help this week:  welcome to Barbara, Demetrius and Josh!

Wetland Wednesday, June 19th

   Our Spriggers (Ray, Barbara, Diane and Dick) worked furiously on the baby Hibiscus–and I do mean BABY….these seedlings were tiny (but a week later on the 26th they all survived and put on growth).  On the other side of the “world”, the Planters (Chatt, Glenn, Cathy and John) managed to get more spider lillies (Hymenocalis liriosome) and their “weedy potmates” in the ground (326 plants) in Pond 11 (in probably the last semi-wet section).  thanks y’all for your effort today–in the incredible heat!

Wetland Wednesday, June 12th

I am liking how our multiple crews are working out–at first I really believed I would not find meaningful work for everyone, but it turns out that we have more than enough to go around for ALL.  Our Sprigging crew (Dick, Ray and Gail) worked on teasing out the seedlings and repotting them into 4×4’s or (in this case) some cups.  LOL.  I will heartily recognize my disastrous idea of using the peat moss and concede that it just won’t work for us.  Sorry to torture my crew… Read More →

Wetland Wednesday, June 5th

Today was something of a rescue day…collecting and sprigging out Pickerel Weed (Pontedaria cordata).  Thanks to our good crew (Glenn, Dick, Gail and Ray) we dug the plants from the Harris County ditch and then divided them up to be potted.  This is advance work for when the ponds refill with rainwater (as they will) and then we can install some deep water species.  Thanks to everyone for the work today….that cover prolly made all the difference.

Wetland Wednesday, May 29th

It was very clear that it was the last day of school today (at least for some students)!  We hosted our 52 boys from YES Prep Brays Oaks again today.  While the day was chaotic, the plants were actually planted–2200 plants to be specific (Spartina patens, Pontedaria cordata, and Iris virginica).  Thanks to everyone for their commitment and patience to the work.  🙂

Wetland Workday, May 28th

Our first of two student workdays was with YES Prep North Central campus.  The work was a little rough going as the ponds were drier than expected, so dibbles were difficult to manage.  However, the students and mentors (Chatt, Glenn, John H., John E.)  did manage to get the material planted.  Everyone worked well—given that school is almost done for the year!

Wetland Wednesday, May 22nd

We (Dick, Ray, Glenn, Cathy, John H, Gail and Chatt) spent our workday today prepping and collecting plants for the workday next week with students.  Spriggers prepped about 9 buckets of Spartina patens while the Collection crew went offsite but local (just off of I10) to gather more grasses.  We are hoping to have enough to keep all our kids occupied!!!

Wetland Wednesday, May 15th

It is definitely May!!  This week we hosted Kingwood Park High School.  Lucky for everyone, the day was overcast and so somewhat cooler.  Once everyone, got their boots, the students and mentors (Glenn, John H, Mary Carol and Chatt) headed out to plant.  The students planted 1432 plants of 5 different native wetland species in pond Cormorant.  A smaller contingent stayed with the Spriggers (Dick, Ray and Gail) and prepped more material.  Thanks to all for your hard work—I know some of those boot were next to impossible… Read More →

Wetland Wednesday, May 8th

  We were fortunate enough to have water in our ponds and host the YES Prep Brays Oaks campus (with Sarah Straub) this Wednesday.  The weather cooperated well and we planted 1500 Sagittaria, about 200 Rhynchospora, and just under 500 Juncus sprigs.  Our mentors for the day (Gail, Glenn, John E., John H, Diane, Amanda, and Dick) did a great job helping and supervising our 52 middle school boys!  (That’s no small feat!)

Wetland Wednesday, May 1st

This week our crews planted and sprigged…Planters (Chatt, Diane, John E, and John H)  headed out to Pond Bittern and installed Sagittaria and some miscellaneous grasses while the Spriggers (Dick, Ray and Gail) handled some new plants (Rhynchosporas spp).  This is all part of an effort to get material into these areas before they get significantly crowded by exotic vegetation.  Thanks to all for the effort!