RESTORE Collaborations

The Gulf coast stands to benefit from a massive influx of conservation funding, but the conservation community risks leaving a lot of value on the table without effective partnerships. To widen the community’s thinking of what is possible and to capture as much value as possible, it is critical that we share our perspectives and experiences (good and bad) on partnerships. Emphasis will be on why collaborations remain meaningful beyond any one project. We believe that these round-tables are the seeds for improving the state of communication, cooperation, and collaboration, and thus opening new conservation frontiers with nontraditional partners.

The Roundtables were a mix of short presentations and facilitated open discussion. To kick off these regional conversations we are working with public and private organizations that work directly in regional habitat conservation projects. We anticipate the ideas for fostering partnerships will touch upon principles for relationships, funding, resources, skills, events, and awareness. We want the group to bring together concrete, practical ideas for improving the state of partnerships with traditional and nontraditional partners. Ideas for coordinating project and proposal concepts will be key.

Link to Organizational Representation.

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