Wetland Wednesday, June 12th

spider & pickerel

I am liking how our multiple crews are working out–at first I really believed I would not find meaningful work for everyone, but it turns out that we have more than enough to go around for ALL.  Our Sprigging crew (Dick, Ray and Gail) worked on teasing out the seedlings and repotting them into 4×4’s or (in this case) some cups.  LOL.  I will heartily recognize my disastrous idea of using the peat moss and concede that it just won’t work for us.  Sorry to torture my crew like that.  🙁   Meanwhile, the Planting crew (Chatt, Glenn and John with Cullen) heading out to Pond Bittern and started the process of planting the spider lilies (Hymenocalis liriosome) and their respective “weeds” (Bacopa monnerii, Cyperus virens, Eleocharis montevidensis, Rhynchospora corniculata, Sagittaria platyphylla, Pontedaria cordata, and  Leersia hexandra).  Thanks to everyone for their patience and endurance!  It’s finally summer……

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