Wetland Team Notes (8-5-15)

Wetland Team Blog

In this heat, I am amazed to still have go-getters willing to plant in the wetlands….Chatt, Chelsea, Rebecca and John Harrell made it out to P1 and got more plants in the ground. Go Team! Gail, Lana, Ray and I worked on the “endless” Juncus seed–this is critical stuff for when our wetland basins are finally excavated.

Plant of the Week

White-top Sedge

White-top Sedge, Rhynchospora colorata

This grasslike wetland plant is so unique with its white “petals” which are actually bracts. According to Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, “these bracts attract insect pollinators, which is unusual in this primarily wind-pollinated family.” It can form small clusters along the edges of wetland basins and can tolerate some inundation. It is a nice addition to the wetland edges in our restored ponds at Sheldon.


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