Stormwater Wetland Water Quality Monitoring Project


Update : AgriLife Extension TCWP GIFT program has finished sampling more water quality samples from Exploration Green. Sampling ran from April of 2023 through February of 2024. We added new sites to the existing outfall location at Exploration Green to collect samples from Phases 1, 3 and 4 outfall locations. All sampling data and documentation should be fully compiled soon. Look out for more updates!

Phase 1 Phase 3 Phase 4
Date TSS (mg/L) E. Coli (mpn/100mL) Phosphorous (mg/L) Ammonia-N (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) E. Coli (mpn/100mL) Phosphorous (mg/L) Ammonia-N (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) E.Coli (mpn/100mL) Phosphorous (mg/L) Ammonia-N (mg/L)
4/11/23 15.3 313 0.0665 <0.1 <4.0 N/A <0.0600 <0.1 68.2 N/A <0.0600 <0.1
4/27/23 18.8 1410 N/A 0.1 3 73 0.0947 <0.1 25.7 3260 0.108 N/A
5/11/23 17.1 1020 0.172 0.2 3 <10 <0.0600 <0.1 36.4 1410 <0.0600 <0.1
5/25/23 14.5 359 0.155 0.1 24.5 41 <0.0600 0.2 42 228 <0.0600 <0.1
6/8/23 22.6 1120 0.11 <0.1 67.1 96 <0.0600 <0.1 36.7 1050 <0.0600 <0.1
6/22/23 7.6 383 0.183 0.2 7.2 689 <0.0600 <0.1 40 301 <0.0600 <0.1
7/6/23 54.5 384 0.255 0.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 58.6 620 <0.0600 <0.1
7/20/23 13.8 1020 0.349 0.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 30.9 318 <0.0600 <0.1
8/3/23 18.5 317 0.467 0.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 21.2 1050 0.0782 0.1
8/17/23 77.5 3260 0.316 <0.1 7.6 3260 0.0766 <0.1 37.5 8160 <0.0600 <0.1
8/30/23 38.9 201 0.361 <0.1 5.2 41 0.182 <0.1 45 241 0.242 <0.1
9/13/23 31 1330 0.257 <0.1 4.4 <10 0.241 <0.1 36.3 373 0.12 <0.1
9/27/23 14.1 305 0.296 <0.1 2.2 145 0.276 <0.1 21.8 292 0.0814 <0.1
10/11/23 19 480 0.301 0.1 2.7 480 0.32 <0.1 34.5 281 <0.0600 <0.1
10/25/23 21.4 728 0.388 <0.1 9.6 2850 0.259 <0.1 25.2 1660 0.0632 <0.1
11/8/23 17 1120 0.298 <0.1 6.4 5790 0.496 <0.1 57.8 2990 0.067 0.1
11/29/23 24.1 404 0.15 <0.1 12.8 31 0.161 3 34.4 1050 <0.0600 <0.1
12/13/23 36.7 172 0.668 0.1 4.3 150 0.165 0.1 13.7 476 <0.0600 <0.1
1/3/24 33.6 13000 0.286 0.1 5 1050 0.200 <0.1 31.5 13000 0.0624 <0.1
1/18/24 14.8 86 0.364 0.5 <1.0 110 0.136 <0.1 16.2 295 0.17 0.1
1/31/24 8.8 N/A 0.501 0.6 1.8 85 0.139 <0.1 18.4 379 0.264 0.6
2/14/24 28.8 231 0.522 0.9 1.1 52 0.186 <0.1 26.2 285 0.269 1.4
2/28/24 55.9 91 0.470 0.5 3.3 222 0.397 <0.1 51.5 47 0.174 <0.1

Exploration Green Sampler Site 1

Location #1: Exploration Green Conservation and Recreation Area , Phase 1 in the 1800 block of Reseda Dr. Houston TX,  77058. Sampling began on April 4th, 2023.

Site Data

Field Data

Lab Report 4/11/23Lab report 4/27/23Lab report 5/11/23Lab report 5/25/23Lab report 6/8/23Lab report 6/22/23Lab report 7/6/23Lab report 7/20/23Lab report 8/3/23Lab report 8/17/23Lab report 8/30/23Lab report 9/13/23 | Lab report 9/27/23 | Lab report 10/11/23 | Lab report 10/25/23 | Lab report 11/8/23 | Lab report 11/29/23 | Lab report 12/13/23 | Lab report 1/3/24 | Lab report 1/18/24 | Lab report 1/31/24 | Lab report 2/14/24 | Lab report 2/28/24

ISCO Flowlink Data


EG1-Rainfall April-June23 | EG 1 Rainfall July -September 2023 | EG 1 Rainfall Oct-DEc. 2023 Table | EG 1 Rainfall Jan -Feb 2024 Table



EG 1 Flow Level July- September 2023 | EG 1 Flow Level Jan. -Feb 2024 Table

Check back for updates…

Exploration Green Site 3

Location #2: the outfall in Phase 3 of Exploration Green located between El Dorado Blvd. and Space Center Blvd. in the Clear Lake area of Houston, TX. Sampling began on April 11th, 2023.

Site Data

Field Data

Lab Report 4/11/23Lab report 4/27/23Lab report 5/11/23Lab report 5/25/23Lab report 6/8/23Lab report 6/22/23Lab report 8/17/23Lab report 8/30/23Lab report 9/13/23 | Lab report 9/27/23 | Lab report 10/11/23 | Lab report 10/25/23 | Lab report 11/8/23 | Lab report 11/29/23 | Lab report 12/13/23 | Lab report 1/3/24 | Lab report 1/18/24 | Lab report 1/31/24 | Lab report 2/14/24 | Lab report 2/28/24

ISCO Flowlink Data


EG 3 Rainfall July – September 2023


EG 3 Flow Level July- September 2023 | EG 3 Flow Level Oct – December Table | EG 3 Flow level data in ft. Jan -Feb 2024 table

Check back for updates…

Exploration Green Site 4

Location #3: the outfall location between Phases 4 and 5 of Exploration Green located near the 1700 block of Neptune Ln in the Clear Lake area of Houston, TX. Sampling began on April 4th, 2023.

Site Data

Field Data

Lab report 4/11/23  | Lab report 4/27/23  | Lab report 5/11/23Lab report 5/25/23Lab report 6/8/23Lab report 6/22/23 | Lab report 7/6/23Lab report 7/20/23Lap report 8/3/23Lab report 8/17/23Lab report 8/30/23Lab report 9/13/23 | Lab report 9/27/23 | Lab report 10/11/23 | Lab report 10/25/23 | Lab report 11/8/23 | Lab report 11/29/23 | Lab report 12/13/23 | Lab report 1/3/24 | Lab report 1/18/24 | Lab report 1/31/24 | Lab report 2/14/24 | Lab report 2/28/24

ISCO Flowlink Data


EG4-Rainfall April-June 2023 | EG 4 Rainfall Oct. 2023 – February 2024 Table


EG4-Flow Levels Table April-June 2023 | EG 4 Flow Level Table July-September 2023 | EG 4 Flow Level Table Oct.2023 -February 2024

Check back for updates…

Comparative Data Charts

data consists of all field samples collected so far

Things to consider: Data suspected to be inaccurate was left out of the graph for both the ammonium and dissolved oxygen charts. Trendlines for phase 3 stagnated for three sampling cycles as there was no flow source to sample from at the site. A new probe for the nitrogen content of ammonium was acquired on 9/6/2023 and future sampling, especially for site 4, reflects a lower-value stable trend. Most sample data represents that from collected water rather than probing directly into the water source. Flow data and rainfall data contain flawed values from technical failure. A meter stick was used for comparison and replaced values in the field data report that was majorly inconsistent.


CMP 23-020-005-D599 QAPP | Whitepaper Final




Previous Sampling Archive:

TCWP AgriLife is developing  a water quality monitoring protocol to sample three stormwater wetland sites  in the Galveston Bay Area.

Sampler Site 101

Sampler Site 102

Location #1: MD Anderson University of Texas Research Park (UTRP) stormwater wetland on the UT MD Anderson Cancer Center’s South Campus: sampling occurred from September 5, 2019 to February 5, 2020.


Graph 1.1 UTRP Rainfall Rainfall data from September 2019- February 2020 At UTRP Site

Graph 1.2 UTRP Flow Level Comparison Flow level data from Inflow 101 (blue) compared to flow levels from the Outflow 102 (red)


Table 1.1:  Field Reporting Data for MDA UTRP location

MDA UTRP Wetland Rainfall Amount (inches/hr) Air Temp.


H2O Temp. (°C) DO (mg/ L) Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) pH
Sampling Events Inflow Outflow Outflow Follow up Inflow Outflow Outflow Follow up Inflow Outflow Outflow Follow up Inflow Outflow Outflow Follow up
9/27/2019 0.46 29 28.5 27.2 NA 7.7 5.9 NA 112 128.9 NA 10.64* 10.88* NA
10/21/2019 UNK 23 NA 23.1 NA NA 6.2 NA NA 139 NA NA 10.39* NA
10/25/2019 UNK 11 NA 16.8 NA NA 7.9 NA NA 90.2 NA NA 8.6* NA
11/7/2019 0.11 19 19.5 18.9 9.6 8.2 61.9 64.7 10.48* 8.5*
11/8/2019 0.00 17 14.2 10.3 275.3 16.29*
12/10/2019 0.03 11 15 14.1 10.3 8.8 133.4 149.9 9.88* 8.51*
12/11/2019 0.00 12 13 7.4 181.8 16.33*
1/9/2020 0.02 23 20.2 NA NA 8.2 NA NA 260.4 NA NA 7.47 NA NA
1/11/2020 0.13 16 17.7 16.9 NA 9.5 9.2 NA 80.6 73.4 NA 8.04 7.22 NA
1/13/2020 0.01 17 14.6 15 NA 11.4 12.4 NA 140 147.8 NA 7.71 7.08 NA
1/28/2020 0.02 15 16.5 16.1 10.4 9.9 80.8 146 7.99 7.17
1/29/2020 0.00 13 15.1 13.6 165.9 7.21
2/6/2020 0.01 5 7.4 7.6 13.9 14.0 86.3 212.2 7.35 7.47
2/7/2020 0.00 11 8.4 9.6 205.8 7.13

NA stands for Not Available meaning there was no data collected for that site on that date.

-Signify that the follow up data was collected on another date  24 hrs. after the initial rainfall event (not all samples have follow up data available)

* designate samples where the YSI pH meter was not recording correctly therefore pH is out of range and not to be used in analysis.

Table 1.2: Lab Results reported for MDA UTRP location

MDA UTRP Wetland Location Sampling Events ID Nitrogen  (mg/L) Ammonia  (mg/L) TSS  (mg/L) E. coli (mpn/100ml) Total Phosphate (mg/L) Arsenic  (mg/L) Barium  (mg/L) Cadmium  (mg/L) Chromium  (mg/L) Lead  (mg/L) Mercury  (mg/L) Selenium  (mg/L) Silver  (mg/L) TPH  (mg/L)
Reporting Limit 0.02 0.1 1 10 0.06 0.0005 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.0005 0.0002 0.005 0.0005 4.9-5
9/27/2019 Inflow UTRP 101-1 0.19 <0.1 2.9 <10 <1.00 0.00137 0.0114 <0.001 <0.003 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <4.98339
Outflow UTRP 102-1 0.38 <0.1 2.4 2600 <1.00 0.000777 0.0312 <0.001 <0.003 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <4.901961
10/21/2019 Exta UTRP 102-2 0.15 <0.1 2.4 350 0.347
11/7/2019 Inflow UTRP 101-2 0.24 <0.1 1.8 31 <0.02 <0.0005 0.0136 <0.001 <0.003 0.00142 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <4.95
Outflow UTRP 102-3 0.08 4.1 3.5 110 0.0471 <0.0005 0.019 <0.001 <0.003 0.000643 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <4.92*corrected
11/8/2019 Follow up UTRP 102-4 <0.02 0.8 2.3 24 0.0258
12/10/2019 Inflow UTRP 101-3 0.77 0.1 12.1 10 <0.06 0.00151 0.0237 <0.001 <0.003 0.00131 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
Outflow UTRP 102-5 0.17 0.2 3.2 906 <0.06 0.000686 0.0371 <0.001 <0.003 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
12/11/2019 Follow up UTRP 102-6 0.02 0.1 15.8 121 <0.06
1/11/2020 inflow UTRP 101-4 0.21 0.2 1.2 63 <0.06 0.000895 0.00811 <0.001 <0.003 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
outflow UTRP 102-7 0.08 <0.1 2.6 323 <0.06 <0.0005 0.0161 <0.001 <0.003 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
1/13/2020 Inflow UTRP 101-5 0.56 <0.1 8.4 85 <0.06
outflow UTRP 102-8 0.11 0.5 4 10 <0.06
1/28/2020 Inflow UTRP 101-6 0.48 0.1 3 <10 <0.06
outflow UTRP 102-9 0.09 <0.01 2.3 63 <0.06
1/29/2020 Follow up UTRP 102-10 0.04 0.3 6.8 <10 <0.06
2/6/2020 Inflow UTRP 101-7 0.44 0.2 12.2 <10 <0.06
Outflow UTRP 102-11 0.02 <0.1 8.4 473 <0.06
2/7/2020 Follow up UTRP 102-12 <0.02 0.5 7.9 10 <0.06


Table 1.3: Initial Analysis of data from MDA UTRP location

Nitrogen  (mg/L) Ammonia  (mg/L) TSS  (mg/L) E. coli (mpn/100ml) Total Phosphate (mg/L) Arsenic  (mg/L) Barium  (mg/L) Cadmium  (mg/L) Chromium  (mg/L) Lead  (mg/L) Mercury  (mg/L) Selenium  (mg/L) Silver  (mg/L) TPH  (mg/L)
Inflow Mean Values 0.413 0.09 5.9 27.0 0.179 0.000944 0.014203 NR NR 0.000683 NR NR NR NR
Outflow Mean Values 0.133 0.69 3.8 640.7 0.171 0.000366 0.02585 NR NR 0.000161 NR NR NR NR
Inflow Mean Values Subset 0.483 0.10 7.3 10.3 0.040
Outflow Mean Values Subset 0.090 1.08 4.4 388.0 0.049
Follow Up Mean Values Subset 0.020 0.10 5.7 38.8 0.044

* NR stands for not reported there were no sample values at or above the reporting limit for these metal parameters.

UTRP Lab Reports and Field Data: UTRP101-1, UTRP102-1, UTRP 101-2, UTRP 102-2, UTRP 102-3, UTRP 102-4, UTRP 101-3, UTRP 102-5, UTRP 101-4, UTRP 102-6, UTRP 102-7, UTRP 101-5, UTRP 102-8, UTRP 102-9, UTRP 101-6, UTRP 102-10, UTRP 102-11, UTRP 101-7, UTRP 102-12, Field Data Recording Sheet- UTRP


Exploration Green Sampler Site 202

Location #2: Exploration Green Conservation and Recreation Area , Phase 1(EG) in the 1800 block of Reseda Dr. Houston TX,  77058: Sampling began on December 10, 2019 was completed on June 24, 2020. Gaps in sampling data occur due to equipment malfunction, replacement of battery power supply and COVID 19 stay home work safe restrictions to site visits. 

Graph 2.2  EG Rainfall Rainfall data from December 2019- June 2020 

Graph 2.3 EG Outfall flow level Flow level data from EG Phase 1 Outfall from Dec.2019-June 2020


Table 2.1 Field Reporting Data from EG location

Exploration Green Wetland Air Temp.


H2O Temp.


DO (mg/ L) pH Specific Conductivity (µS/cm)
Sampling Events Inflow Outflow Outflow Follow up Inflow Outflow Outflow Follow up Inflow Outflow Outflow Follow up Inflow Outflow Outflow Follow up
12/10/19 11 17.5 16.0 15.1 8.4 8.3 8.1 4.6 6.9 9.52 314.4 224.4 276.2
1/11/20 13 17.1 18.3 N/A 8.4 8.2 N/A 7.38 7.76 N/A 237.0 326.3 N/A
1/13/20 16 16.5 16.9 N/A 8.6 8.6 N/A 7.36 7.75 N/A 264.9 297.8 N/A
1/28/20 18 17 15.6 14.4 11.6 9.5 7.8 7.99 6.99 7.42 328.4 318.2 306.9
4/5/20 22 23.9 20 N/A 7.3 8.2 N/A 7.69 7.21 N/A 405.9 135.9 N/A
4/20/20 16 22.7 23.1 N/A 6.6 5.4 N/A 8.35 7.41 N/A 428.5 422.6 N/A
4/29/20 20 25 24.1 N/A 7.5 7.9 N/A 8.12 7.71 N/A 434.9 353.4 N/A
5/6/20 28 26.5 26.5 N/A 6.3 7.5 N/A 8.36 7.61 N/A 464.2 419.8 N/A
5/13/20 22 26.8 25.1 N/A 7.3 6.3 N/A 7.95 7.58 N/A 469.6 455.3 N/A
6/24/20 29 28.3 29.9 N/A 8.0 9.3 N/A 8.03 8.04 N/A 279.6 257.4 N/A

Table 2.2 Lab Results Reported for EG location

Exploration Green Wetland Location Sampling Events ID Nitrate + Nitrite as N Ammonia

as N

TSS E. coli Total Phosphorous
Reporting Limit 0.02 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 1.0 mg/L 10 mpn/100 mL 0.06 mg/L
12/10/19 Inflow EG 201-1 0.42 0.1 139 4880 0.118
12/10/19 Outflow EG 202-1 0.42 0.2 24.0 24200 0.141
12/12/19 Follow up EG 202-2 0.37 0.5 26.0 <10 0.101
1/11/20 Inflow EG 201-2 0.26 0.1 20.6 4110 0.153
1/11/20 Outflow EG 202-3 0.23 0.1 23.2 24200 0.118
1/13/20 Inflow EG 201-3 0.23 <0.1 24.4 4610 0.149
1/13/20 Outflow EG 202-4 0.2 0.3 15.6 2610 0.0624
1/28/20 Inflow EG 201-4 0.46 <0.1 31.9 2280 0.156
1/28/20 Outflow EG 202-5 0.40 0.1 19.1 426 0.126
4/29/20 Inflow EG- 201-5 1.87 <0.01 34.0 12000 0.149
4/29/20 Outflow EG-202-7 2.73 0.2 23.2 3260 0.141
05/06/20 inflow EG 201-6 0.05 0.1 54.0 24200 0.150
05/06/20 outflow EG 202-8 0.02 0.1 15.6 638 0.163
05/13/20 Inflow EG 201-7 0.03 <0.1 66.4 8660 0.113
05/13/20 Outflow EG 202-9 0.05 <0.1 18.0 771 0.142
06/24/20 Inflow EG 201-8 0.03 <0.1 31.2 9210 0.140
06/24/20 Outflow EG 202-10 0.02 <0.1 20.0 6130 0.158


Table 2.3: Initial Analysis of data from Exploration Green site locations

Mean Values Nitrogen Ammonia TSS E. Coli Total Phosphorous DO Specific Conductivity pH
Inflow 0.475 0.0375 50.2 8743.8 0.141 7.98 374.96 8
Outflow 0.509 0.125 19.8 7779.4 0.1314 7.94 308.89 7.5
Difference -0.034 -0.0875 30.4 964.38 0.0096 0.04 66.07 0.5


Exploration Green Lab Reports and Field Data: EG 201-1, EG 201-2, EG 201-3, EG 201-4, EG201-5, Eg 201-6, EG 201-7 EG 201-8 EG 202-1, EG 202-2, EG 202-3EG 202-4, EG 202-5, EG 202-6, EG202-, EG 202-8, EG 202-9, EG 202-10, Field Data Recording Sheet-EG, Field Data Recording Sheet-EG 2, Field Data Recording Sheet-EG 3, Field Data Recording Sheet-EG 4, EG FIELDDATA-EVENT8


Exploration Green Site 203

Location #4: this location to be added March 2023 samples the outfall in Phase 3 of Exploration Green located between El Dorado Blvd. and Space Center Blvd. in the Clear Lake area of Houston, TX.

Check back for updates starting in April 2023…

Exploration Green Site 204

Location #5 this location to be added March 2023 samples from the outfall location between Phases 4 and 5 of Exploration Green located near the 1700 block of Neptune Ln in the Clear Lake area of Houston, TX.

Check back for updates starting in April 2023…

PTWB Site 301

PTWB Site 302

Location #3: Proton Therapy Parking Lot Expansion Wetland Basin (PTWB) at UT MD Anderson Cancer Center’s South Campus at the corner of Fannin and Old Spanish Trail Houston TX: Sampling began February 19th and completed July 22, 2020. Sampling was suspended from March 16- April 26 2020 due to COVID 19 stay home work safe orders during the global pandemic. This site only collected the minimum 5 samples compared to 8 at each of the other locations.

Graph 3.1 PTWB Rainfall Rainfall at PTWB site from March – July 2020 

Graph 3.2 PTWB Flow Level Comparison Flow Level comparison from Inflow 301 (blue) compared to Outflow 302 (red) for the period from March – July 2020 (pending)

Table 3.1 Field Reporting Data from PTWB location

PTWB Wetland Rainfall Amount (inches/hr) Air Temp. (°C) H2O Temp. (°C) DO (mg/ L) Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) pH
Sampling Event     Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow
4/28/2020 0.03 31 25.7 N/A 7.9 N/A 312.2 N/A 8.75 N/A
4/29/2020 0.08 21 20.2 21 8.8 9.2 128.5 133.1 8.33 8.33
5/6/2020 0.04 19 24.5 24.3 7.4 8.3 126.1 109.2 8.61 8.56
5/15/2020 0.07 22 24.8 25.1 8.2 8.2 89.9 101.9 8.49 8.83
6/22/2020 0.11 22 25.3 26.5 6.9 6 102 119.1 8.51 7.74
7/22/2020 0.03 27.7 30.1 29.6 6.8 8.4 260.1 206.4 8.76 8.67


Table 3.2 Lab Report Results for PTWB location

MDA PTWB Wetland Location Sampling Events ID Nitrogen  (mg/L) Ammonia  (mg/L) TSS  (mg/L) E. coli (mpn/100ml) Total Phosphate (mg/L) Arsenic  (mg/L) Barium  (mg/L) Cadmium  (mg/L) Chromium  (mg/L) Lead  (mg/L) Mercury  (mg/L) Selenium  (mg/L) Silver  (mg/L) TPH  (mg/L)
Reporting Limit 0.02 0.1 1 10 0.06 0.0005 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.0005 0.0002 0.005 0.0005 5
4/29/2020 Inflow PTWB 301-1 1.17 0.1 7.3 161 <0.06
4/29/2020 Outflow PTWB 302-1 2.26 <0.1 51.2 9800 <0.06
5/6/2020 Inflow PTWB 301-2 11 0.2 12 733 <0.06 0.00171 0.0191 <0.001 0.00529 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
5/6/2020 Outflow PTWB 302-2 0.58 0.1 24.8 1920 <0.06 0.00159 0.0274 <0.001 0.00451 0.0008 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
5/15/2020 Inflow PTWB 301-3 0.13 <0.1 16.8 1300 <0.06 0.00098 0.00996 <0.001 0.00302 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
5/15/2020 Outflow PTWB 302-3 0.11 <0.1 4.5 4840 <0.06 0.00133 0.0239 <0.001 0.00482 0.000774 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
6/22/2020 inflow PTWB 301-4 0.12 <0.1 1.4 20 <0.06 0.000517 0.00589 <0.001 <0.003 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
6/22/2020 outflow PTWB 302-4 0.24 <0.1 3.6 10 <0.06 0.00152 0.0255 <0.001 0.00370 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
7/22/2020 Inflow PTWB 301-5 0.13 0.1 33.2 10 <0.06 0.00316 0.0560 <0.001 <0.003 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0
7/22/2020 outflow PTWB 302-5 0.02 <0.1 3.9 <10 <0.06 0.00213 0.0495 <0.001 0.00334 <0.0005 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.0005 <5.0


Table 3.3: Initial Analysis of data from Proton Therapy Wetland Basin site locations

Mean Values DO Specific Conductivity pH Water temp. NO2 & NO3 NH3N E. coli TSS Total Phosphate Arsenic Barium Chromium Lead
Inflow 7.62 141.32 8.54 24.98 2.51 0.1 444.8 3314 0 0.00159175 0.0227375 0.0020775 0
Outflow 8.02 133.94 8.426 25.3 0.642 0.02 3314 17.6 0 0.0016425 0.031575 0.0040925 0.0003935
Difference -0.29 7.38 0.114 -0.32 1.87 0.08 -2869 3296 0 -0.00005075 -0.0088375 -0.00202 -0.000394

Initial Results for each parameter are in the following tables:

DO (mg/ L):

MDA UTRP Wetland Exploration Green Phase 1 MDA Proton Therapy Wetland
Sampling Events 101 Inflow 102 Outflow 102 Follow up 201 Inflow 202 Outflow  202 Follow up 301 Inflow 302 Outflow
9/27/2019 7.7 5.9
11/7/2019 9.6 8.2 10.3
12/10/2019 10.3 8.8 7.4 8.4 8.3 8.1
1/9/2020 8.2 9.2
1/11/2020 9.5 12.4 8.4 8.2
1/13/2020 11.4 9.9 8.6 8.6
1/28/2020 10.4 9.9 13.6 11.6 9.5 7.8
2/6/2020 13.9 14 9.6
4/5/2020 7.3 8.2
4/20/2020 6.6 5.4
4/29/2020 7.5 7.9 8.8 9.2
5/6/2020 6.3 7.5 7.4 8.3
5/13/2020 7.3 6.3
5/15/2020 8.2 8.2
6/22/2020 6.9 6
6/24/2020 8 9.3
7/22/2020 6.8 8.4

Analysis of DO:

  Inflow Outflow difference
average 9.0793103 8.772414 0.306897
t-test 0.3485493
t-crit 2.048

Specific Conductivity (µS/cm):

MDA UTRP Wetland Exploration Green Phase 1 MDA Proton Therapy Wetland
Sampling Events Inflow Outflow follow up Inflow Outflow  follow up Inflow Outflow
9/27/2019 112 128.9
11/7/2019 61.9 64.7 275.3
12/10/2019 133.4 149.9 181.8 314.4 224.4 276.2
1/11/2020 80.6 73.4 326.3 237
1/13/2020 140 147.8 297.8 264.9
1/28/2020 80.8 146 165.9 328.4 318.2 306.9
2/6/2020 86.3 212.2 205.8
4/5/2020 405.9 135.9
4/20/2020 428.5 422.6
4/29/2020 434.9 353.4 128.5 133.1
5/6/2020 464.2 419.8 126.1 109.2
5/13/2020 469.6 455.3
5/15/2020 89.9 101.9
6/22/2020 102 119.1
6/24/2020 279.6 257.4
7/22/2020 260.1 206.4

Analysis of  Specific Conductivity:

inflow outflow difference
average 219.8714 217.6214 2.25
t-test score 0.889651
t-critical 2.052


pH :

MDA UTRP Wetland Exploration Green Phase 1 MDA Proton Therapy Wetland
Sampling Events Inflow Outflow follow up Inflow Outflow  follow up Inflow Outflow
9/27/2019 10.64* 10.88*
11/7/2019 10.48* 8.5* 16.29*
12/10/2019 9.88* 8.51* 16.33* 4.6* 6.9* 9.52*
1/11/2020 8.04 7.22 7.76 7.38
1/13/2020 7.71 7.08 7.75 7.36
1/28/2020 7.99 7.17 7.21 7.99 6.99 7.42
2/6/2020 7.35 7.47 7.13
4/5/2020 7.69 7.21
4/20/2020 8.35 7.41
4/29/2020 8.12 7.71 8.33 8.33
5/6/2020 8.36 7.61 8.61 8.56
5/13/2020 7.95 7.58
5/15/2020 8.49 8.83
6/22/2020 8.51 7.74
6/24/2020 8.03 8.04
7/22/2020 8.76 8.67

*denotes pH readings are out of normal range due to instrument error. These values were not used in the calculations.

Analysis of pH:

inflow outflow difference
average 8.053333333 7.624762 0.428571
t-score 0.00004577348
t critical 2.086


TSS: Total Suspended Solids combined for All 3 locations

TSS Inflow Outflow Difference
2.9 2.4 0.5
1.8 3.5 -1.7
12.1 3.2 8.9
1.2 2.6 -1.4
8.4 4 4.4
3 2.3 0.7
12.2 8.4 3.8
139 24 115
20.6 23.2 -2.6
24.4 15.6 8.8
31.9 19.1 12.8
34 23.2 10.8
54 15.6 38.4
66.4 18 48.4
31.2 20 11.2
7.3 51.2 -43.9
12 24.8 -12.8
16.8 4.5 12.3
1.4 3.6 -2.2
33.2 3.9 29.3


Analysis of TSS: 

TSS: Inflow Outflow Difference
sum 513.8 273.1 240.7
mean 25.69 13.655 12.035
t-test 0.095284
t-crit 2.093


E.Coli data for All three locations

E. coli Inflow Ouflow Difference
0 2600 -2600
31 110 -79
10 906 -896
63 323 -260
85 10 75
0 63 -63
0 473 -473
4880 24200 -19320
4110 24200 -20090
4610 2610 2000
2280 426 1854
12000 3260 8740
24200 638 23562
8660 771 7889
9210 6130 3080
161 9800 -9639
733 1920 -1187
1300 4840 -3540
20 10 10
10 0 10


Analysis of E. coli bacteria data

E. coli Inflow Outflow Difference
sum 72363 83290 -10927
mean 3618.15 4164.5 -546.35
t-test 0.792677
t-crit 2.093 Accept H0: no change


Phosphate: Phosphate data for all 3 locations

Phosphate Inflow Outflow Difference
0 0.0471 -0.0471
0.118 0.141 -0.023
0.153 0.118 0.035
0.149 0.0624 0.0866
0.156 0.126 0.03
0.149 0.141 0.008
0.15 0.163 -0.013
0.113 0.142 -0.029
0.14 0.158 -0.018


Analysis of  Phosphate:

Phosphate Inflow Outflow Difference
sum 1.128 1.0985 0.0295
mean 0.125333 0.122056 0.0032778
t-test 0.817973
t-crit 2.306 Accept H0: no change


Ammonia: Ammonia data for all 3 locations

Ammonia Inflow Outflow Difference
0 4.1 -4.1
0.1 0.2 -0.1
0.2 0 0.2
0 0.5 -0.5
0.1 0 0.1
0.2 0 0.2
0.1 0.2 -0.1
0.1 0.1 0
0 0.3 -0.3
0 0.1 -0.1
0 0.2 -0.2
0.1 0.1 0
0.1 0 0.1
0.2 0.1 0.1
0.1 0 0.1
0.1 0 0.1


Analysis of Ammonia:

Ammonia Inflow Outflow Difference
sum 1.4 5.9 -4.5
mean 0.0875 0.36875 -0.28125
t-test 0.294446
t-crit 2.131
Accept H0: no change


Nitrogen: Nitrogen data for All 3 locations

Nitrogen Inflow Outflow Difference
0.19 0.38 -0.19
0.24 0.08 0.16
0.77 0.17 0.6
0.21 0.08 0.13
0.56 0.11 0.45
0.48 0.09 0.39
0.44 0.02 0.42
0.42 0.42 0
0.26 0.23 0.03
0.23 0.2 0.03
0.46 0.4 0.06
1.87 2.73 -0.86
0.5 0.02 0.48
0.03 0.05 -0.02
0.03 0.02 0.01
1.17 2.26 -1.09
11 0.58 10.42
0.13 0.11 0.02
0.12 0.24 -0.12
0.13 0.02 0.11


Analysis of Nitrogen:

Nitrogen Inflow Outflow Difference
sum 19.24 8.21 11.03
mean 0.962 0.4105 0.5515
t-test 0.308727
t-crit 2.093 Accept H0: no change


Heavy Metals: Data analysis of metals reported in both UTRP and PTWB locations

inflow 0 0.0014 0.00131 0 0 0 0 0
outflow 0 0.000643 0 0 0.0008 0.000774 0 0
difference 0 0.000777 0.00131 0 -0.0008 -0.000774 0 0
Inflow 0.00137 0 0.00151 0.000895 0.00171 0.00098 0.000517 0.00316
Outflow 0.000777 0 0.000686 0 0.00159 0.00133 0.00152 0.00213
Difference 0.000593 0 0.000824 0.000895 0.00012 -0.00035 -0.001 0.00103
Inflow 0.0114 0.0136 0.0237 0.00811 0.0191 0.00996 0.00589 0.056
Outflow 0.0312 0.019 0.0371 0.0161 0.0274 0.0239 0.0255 0.0495
Difference -0.0198 -0.0054 -0.0134 -0.00799 -0.0083 -0.01394 -0.01961 0.0065


Analysis of heavy metals data:

Lead sum mean t-test t-crit
inflow 0.00273 0.00034125 0.805643 2.365
outflow 0.002217 0.000277125
difference 0.000513 0.000064125
Arsenic sum mean t-test t-crit
Inflow 0.010142 0.00126775 0.325361 2.365
Outflow 0.008033 0.001004125
Difference 0.002109 0.000263625
Barium sum mean t-test t-crit
Inflow 0.14776 0.01847 0.011817 2.365
Outflow 0.2297 0.0287125
Difference -0.08194 -0.0102425



QAPP_Initiating Water Quality Testing Stormwater Treatment Wetlands CMP 1-043-000-B077

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