Wetland Team Notes (6-22-2015)

Wetland Team Blog

We will resume our workdays this week. Last week was postponed due to the TS Bill. We have plenty of planting to be completed and seed work that needs to be completed. See y’all at the park Wednesday morning!

Plant of the Week

Buttonbush flatsedge

Buttonbush flatsedge, Cyperus cephalanthus

Our colleague, Susan Conaty, brought us one big pot of Cyperus cephalanthus about two years ago and since then we have been propagating the flatsedge via seed and propagules. It is a rather large robust flatsedge and large seed heads. This flatsedge has a robust root system which makes it a hardy perenial found primarily in undisturbed remnant patches of coastal prairie. Thank you Susan for introducing us to these great Flatsedge.


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