Sheldon Lake State Park & Environmental Learning Center is a 2,800 acre outdoor education and recreation facility located in northeast Harris County. Since 2011, the Wetland Restoration Program has hosted an annual field day to showcase the ongoing restoration efforts at Sheldon Lake State Park. Field days typically include presentations of prairie wetland restoration, methodology, plants, and seeding for restoration used at Sheldon Lake State Park, and a tour of the Prairie Wetland Restoration at Sheldon Lake State Park.
Wetland Field Day 2016
The Sheldon Lake Prairie Wetland restoration represents a new, unique approach to restoring critical freshwater wetland systems. Join the Field Day and see with:
- Presentations by local experts
- Site visit to restored wetlands
- Lunch provided
- CEU certificates available
RSVP Required:
Marissa Sipocz, Wetland Program Coordinator
Texas AgriLife Extension Service/Texas Sea Grant
281-450-9674 or
Thank you to our 2016 Wetland Field Day sponsors:
Past Wetland Field Days
- 10/29/2015
- 04/10/2014
- 04/11/2013
- 10/18/2012
- 04/19/2012
- 10/27/2011