Wetland Team Notes (7-20-2015)

Wetland Team Blog

We returned to P1 on the meander ridge to put more Sagittaria in the ground. This was after we helped gathered the pickerel weed Chatt dug up from a drainage ditch in his neighborhood–it is good material and we can use the plants in our ponds. Thanks Chatt for getting that for us. Thanks to Gail, Chelsea, Ray and Joe for figuring out how to stuff it all into the van and my CRV. 🙂

Apologies to the Seedling crew back at the Park who had to wait on us—Susan, Glenn, John Harrell, and Lana were patient and quickly put into action once we did arrive.

Plant of the Week

Neally's Sprangletop, Leptochloa nealleyi

USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Hitchcock, A.S. (rev. A. Chase). 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States. USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 200. Washington, DC.

Neally’s Sprangletop, Leptochloa nealleyi

Walking through the prairie today near Pond Bittern, there was a large solid stand of Leptochloa nealleyi about to burst forth with seed. This annual grass is found extensively on the wet edges of our ponds and competes for the same zone that Vasey grass will invade. While it might be considered an agricultural weed, we welcome Leptochloa to take over any and all edges and keep the exotics in check.

(Drawing from USDA Plant Database)


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